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Turnpike Field Wildlife

Turnpike Fields Wildlife

One key priority for Turnpike is to ensure the protection of it's wildlife as well as promoting the variety of it and inform people.

To read the latest Ecology Report, Click Here.

The new Spring Walk with nature in mind has now been produced. Our wildlife surveying of the past three years which has recorded 119 species of wild plant, 89 species of insect and 31 species of birds, means that we can now predict what we might see, where and when.

Details of this can be found here:

In 2016 Cheshire Wildlife Trust proceed a report covering Audlem as a whole – Turnpike Field is shown as being part of the wildlife corridor as an area of distinctiveness and and a Local Wildlife Site.
Click Here to read the report

Try the Wildlife Quiz!!!

Turnpike Field has a terrific wealth and variety of wildflower, grasses and insect life. Numerous articles have been written about it by Adrian Leighton, describing what you might find there.
Please click on the following links to read them:-
A Spring Walk
Spring Honours
Turn, Turn, Turn
Never Underestimate Hidden Nature
Finding Joy & Larry
Encouraging the Youngsters
Oh to be in England
So where do you come from?
Here comes the Sun
Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen
The World beneath our feet
Little and Large
An Odd Ode
Leaves that are Green turn to Brown
We don't do Brown
Floating Bog
Up Close and Personal
Paths of Delight
Prickly Subject
Turn back Time
Grass Growing
Wild Spies
Wild Adventures

As well as a valuable member of the Turnpike Field Working Group, Adrian is also a member of Audlem Wildlife and Ecology Group -

View more information about AWEG:

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